Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I dreamed that we were going into war. Everyone over 11 needed to be trained in combat. I was a senior, and I was friends with Dwane from Little Miss Sunshine, Rob Lowe back in his St. Elmo's Fire days, Ginny Weasley, and another girl whose name I can't remember. All High School kids needed to come into school in the summer to train, everyday.

The first day of training, we decided to call in sick, because we really didn't want to go. I can't remember why, but we changed our minds and came in late. We all drove in one tiny little car, so Ginny sat on Rob Lowe's lap and I sat on Dwane's in the front seat.

When we got there, all of the students were practicing cheer leading stunts. when we asked why, the person training us said "you never know when it will come in handy!"

So, we started with a basic prep (which is two people lifting a light person into the air about to there shoulders by each of them holding one foot while there is a spotter in the back and front.) Rob and Dwane lifted Ginny while I stood in the back and the other girl stood in the front. I instructed them since I used to be a cheerleader.

We got the hang of it, and feeling bored, we went back to the car and decided to go to get something to eat. That's when I woke up.


Anonymous said...

Ginny actually died in the second book. The third through seventh were a figment of Harry's imagination.

Tim said...

Is the army stuff a result of Owen Meany?